Day of the Girl! We've teamed up with Apple to celebrate our favorite holiday -- and the fun starts today.

 We're inviting people everywhere to share their #SisterhoodStory: a shoutout to the ones who have your back and make you stronger. Want to shine a light on someone special? Here's how:

 1. 📸  Scroll through your photo album (past all your Zoom selfies and Code from Home pics), and find a stellar picture of a girl, woman, or community who inspires you— friends, mentors, role models, Girls Who Code students, your teammates. 

2.  ✍🏾 Write a caption about your #SisterhoodStory, about who you chose and why she’s such a rockstar.

3. 🤳 Celebrate her by posting it all to your social channels on 10/11, using #SisterhoodStory @GirlsWhoCode.

 We'll be amplifying your tributes all week long, or you can save your post for #DayoftheGirl on Sunday, 10/11! 

 Plus, starting today, you can join Girls Who Code and Today at Apple for a week of free virtual programming, ranging from hands-on creative sessions to star-studded inspirational talks featuring artists like Becky G., Kiran Gandhi, Ashly Burch, Reyna Noriega, and more.


Register Here!