Computer Science Education Week (CSEdWeek) is an annual call to action to inspire K-12 students to learn computer science, advocate for equity in computer science education, and celebrate the contributions of students, teachers, and partners to the field. Click here to learn more about CSEdWeek
CSTA-Arizona and the SciTech Institute are expanding this event to offer workshops and resources for both students & teachers to participate in throughout December. Check back here often to see the most up-to-date list of resources & events during this month.

Workshops & Events for Students

Check the gallery of events below for virtual activities you & your students can participate in as part of CS Education Month. Teachers who support class participation in a CSEd Week event could be eligible for prizes - see below for details!

Daily Themed Activities

We've curated a list of activities students & classrooms can participate in based on daily themes.
If you have an activity you'd like to contribute to this list, please fill out this form
Workshops & Events

Teacher Summit

We are hosting a 1-day teacher summit to help support teachers who would like to offer a Computer Science or Computational Thinking activity as part of their classroom in December. Teachers from all backgrounds are welcome, even if this may be your first time introducing computer science to your classrooms. 

Raffles & Prizes!

Any teacher who
(1) Attends our teacher summit
(2) Uses social media to post about their class participating in a CSEd Week activity 
Will be entered into a raffle to win a $50 Amazon Gift card. We have 30 gift cards available for teachers. Big thanks to Mister Car Wash for sponsoring this opportunity!
CSTA-AZ News & Events
The CSTA-Arizona Board of Directors are holding elections this year! All board positions are up for election - this is a great opportunity to contribute to an active Arizona CSTA-Arizona chapter, and grow your own professional development and leadership in collaboration with the national CSTA organization.
Learn more about our board positions and the election process here:
Already know you want to be on our board, or want to nominate someone? Click Here to nominate yourself or a colleague for the CSTA-Arizona board!
Questions? Reach out to!
Are you looking for new STEM opportunities for high school students? Get Ready! The Mark Cuban Foundation AI Bootcamp Program is coming to Tempe this fall (November 2nd, 9th, and 16th from 11AM-4PM). The application is open until September 30th at
MCF AI Bootcamps for High School students are diverse and inclusive of all identities, with a transparent focus on recruiting low-to-moderate income students, girls, and students of color. Students will learn the basic concepts of artificial intelligence and how they can incorporate AI into their field of interest. Students will receive transportation assistance, food and a snack, and laptops for use throughout bootcamp.
Please see this flyer and video linked here for more information. Email with any questions.
Join CSTA-Arizona and for this virtual session designed for K-12 Computer Science teachers. Explore the world of artificial intelligence, understanding both its potential benefits and the risks it poses in the classroom. You'll gain hands-on experience with AI tools that can support various educational tasks, while learning fundamental concepts to build a solid foundation. We'll discuss essential guiding principles to ensure thoughtful and responsible AI integration in your teaching. Enhance your knowledge and skills to navigate the evolving landscape of AI in education!

The 4 Corners Computer Science Convening for 2024 is gearing up to be another great event for sharing your knowledge, networking with others that are involved in CS education and building a wonderful, supportive community. Click here to learn more about the conference!

What is different for 2024?

  • We have added an extra day and have moved it to June.  June 23-26th, 2024 to be exact.

  • We hope to increase the number of attendees to 200, up from 150 last year.

  • We are getting an earlier start to registration and call for proposals. Do you have an idea for a proposal?? If so, please submit information via this form.

  • We are using the Whova app to allow for connections before and during the event, stay tuned for more details closer to the event.

What is staying the same?

  • Registration, food and on-campus housing is free, covered by the generous support of organizations like Google

  • The event will be at Fort Lewis College in Durango, CO

  • We will have amazing participants, like you, and fantastic workshops, presentations and keynote speakers.

Ready to register for 2024?

Here’s the link to register 

Here's how you can find out more and participate:

  • Visit the CSEdWeek Website for posters, lessons, and activities. Learn more about CS Heroes and choose from a variety of classroom activities to introduce students to these heroes of CS.
  • Run an Hour of Code! Search the Hour of Code Activities Page for different activities or events you can run with your students. Examples include Dance Party: AI Edition, Generation AI with Minecraft, and others!
  • Attend a Byte-Sized PD with the AZ Department of Education! Each day this week has a half-hour session on different topics!
  • For educators: attend a webinar from the Kapor Center during CSEdWeek on the societal impacts of computing. Speakers include Dr. Safiya Noble (author of "Algorithms of Oppression"), Dr Timnit Gebru (director of the Distributed AI Research Institute), and Dr Kamau Bobb (Senior Director of the Constellations Center for Equity in Computing) - and more!
With the release of the State of Computer Science National Report from, CSTA, and ECEP, data is available on how Computer Science is being implemented in Arizona. According to the report, Arizona is 46th in the nation for the percentage of high schools offering Computer Science in their state and for the schools that do offer, these classes are very male dominated (78% male). However, the report also highlights opportunities for improvement, such as creating a State Plan for Computer Science. Click here to read the Arizona specific fact-sheet
Based on the report, several CSTA-Arizona members were interviewed for an article from the Arizona Republic titled "'Dismal': Arizona near bottom in computer science education. What can be done?". The article highlights the problems and opportunities for Computer Science in Arizona through the lens of several classroom educators - shoutout to CSTA-Arizona board members Leon Tynes and Bhawna Verma for their perspectives in the article.

Professional Development Funding

Schools & Districts bringing new Computer Science course offerings within the next 2 years are eligible to apply for the Department of Education CSPD Fund. These funds can be used exclusively for professional development, including supporting teachers to attend future Computer Science professional development.

Click Here for More Information

Computer Science Endorsement

Professional Development credits are eligible to count for the Arizona Computer Science Endorsement, which can be used to certify a teacher as qualified to teach Computer Science

K-8 Endorsement

6-12 Endorsement

Credit Hour Justification Sheet

Thank You To Our Partners!