CSTA-Arizona is proud to announce the return of CSPD Week, brought to you by the Arizona Department of Education (ADE), the Arizona Science Center, Grand Canyon University, University of Arizona Data Sciences Academy, and the Arizona CSTA Chapter.
We are looking forward to hosting hundreds of Arizona K-12 teachers to join us for this computer science professional development the week of June 17-21, 2024.
Arizona K-12 teachers can choose one, week-long, PD workshop strand and participate in a great deal of networking and fun throughout the week!
Computer Science Endorsement
Each strand is aligned with the Arizona K-8 and 6-12 Endorsement, where every 15 hours of professional development translates to 1 credit hour. By attending CSPDWeek, participants will earn credit hours to complete sections of the Arizona endorsement.
Letter of Support
We encourage applicants to also email their administration letting them know of their intent to attend CSPDWeek - click here to view a template letter. This helps create support and awareness of computer science opportunities, and can help with the endorsement process after attending the week of PD.
CSPDWeek Waiver
A question on the registration form will ask you to agree to this CSPDWeek Liability waiver, required by our insurance and venue agreements. Please read the agreement before registering.
Click Here to view the FAQs for this event. This document will be updated throughout the registration period. If you have additional questions not in this document, please contact cspdweekaz@gmail.com with any questions.