We are proud to partner with Girls Who Code to provide free, flexible and inclusive CS opportunities all across our community, and would love for your school to host a Club!
Girls Who Code Clubs provide completely FREE plug-and-play curriculum and resources for educators to encourage girls’ participation in STEM as they prepare for college and career. In each Club, 3rd-5th and 6th-12th grade girls build important life skills as they join a sisterhood of supportive peers and role models and learn how to use computer science to positively impact their community. Students also learn about inspiring female role models in tech to help increase female representation in our STEM programming.
All you need is space to host the Club, computers and internet, and an adult who is 18+ to help facilitate the Club. Girls Who Code will take care of the rest! Clubs are led by Facilitators, who can be teachers, computer scientists, librarians, parents, or volunteers from any background or field. You don’t need any computer science experience at all to run your Club, because Girls Who Code provides everything you need to get started all for free -- including:Dan
- Flexible and easy-to-use curriculum for students of all skill levels
- Weekly lesson plans and logistics resources
- A designated virtual Club Success Specialist to help you all along the way so you're never alone
- Free t-shirts for everyone to build Sisterhood
- A mini-grant of $300 for snacks, supplies, or anything else to help make your Club successful once you enroll 3 students!
To access the free curriculum to start your own Club, visit the Girls Who Code Clubs website and click “Start a Club” to fill out your quick Clubs application. No need to have everything all set up to apply.
Once you fill out the form, you'll get approved within a few days typically so that you can access the curriculum and be assigned a virtual Girls Who Code Club Success Specialist to help you get started. If you want to learn more before applying, you can also take a look at this step-by-step guide on how to start a Girls Who Code Club or join one of our Girls Who Code’s live webinars.
Please let me know if you have questions or contact our Regional Partnership Coordinator, Ngan Pham, at thuyngan.pham@girlswhocode.com!