Congratulations to the NCWIT Educator Award winners, Stephen Heiser, Keith Tomaszewicz, and Bhawna Verma!

The NCWIT Award for AiC honors women in grades 9 through 12 who are active and interested in computing and technology and encourages them to pursue their passions. Award for AiC recipients are chosen for their demonstrated interest and achievements in computing, proven leadership ability, academic performance, and plans for post‑secondary education. To date, nearly 8,600 women have been honored with the Award for AiCThe National Center for Women & Information Technology. This year's winner is Bhawna Verma, from Paradise Valley School District.
The NCWIT AiC Educator Award publicly celebrates formal and informal educators who encourage high school women’s interest and participation in technology pursuits. To date, nearly 400 educators have been honored. We want to recognize Stephen Heiser, from Corona Del Sol High School and Keith Tomaszewicz from Basha High School.
(NCWIT) is the farthest-reaching network of change leaders focused on advancing innovation by correcting underrepresentation in computing. This year, awards were presented at the CSPD Week at Xavier Preparatory School in Phoenix, AZ.