Attention All Arizona K-5 principals, superintendents, district curriculum leads, and STEM/computer science (CS) advocates! Please join us on September 22 at 12:00pm PT for a one-hour online event called CSK5, the First National Summit for K-5 Computer Science Education. The theme is Every School Can. The first, 30 minutes will be guidance and specific resources from five top national organizations in CS education. Then, our 30-minute Arizona Breakout Session will feature specific state programs and assets for your school(s), including the Arizona Science Teachers Association-AZ Chapter, The Arizona Science Center, and sharing from Gilbert Public Schools. Sign Up Now, then please spread the word to colleagues and staff! See our Arizona Breakout Page and the CSK5 Flyer for more details, and we’ll see you at CSK5 and our Breakout Session Sept 22.