CS Awesome is a new free curriculum from the Mobile CSP team for the AP CS A Java course that follows the 2019 College Board AP CSA units and learning objectives. We are applying to become an official provider for AP CSA in 2020. The curriculum is available for free on based on Barb Ericson's Java Review course on Runestone Academy.
The goal of the CS Awesome curriculum is to provide an interactive curriculum for students that uses frequent, small practice problems that allow students to incrementally build their Java programming skills. The curriculum is provided online through an e-book and includes many opportunities for creativity and collaboration with other students. The course was designed to engage all students and support students transitioning from a Computer Science Principles (CSP) course to CSA.
Click below for more information about summer opportunities. If you are a teacher transitioning from teaching AP CSP to AP CSA and/or will you be teaching AP CS A for the first time in 2019 or 2020, then we have scholarships available for you to attend our PD for FREE, in exchange for participating in our research project.
June 22 - July 18, 2020 - Online for those Experienced with Java. This is a 45 hour Professional Development course (including out-of-class assignments) recommended for teachers who have a background in CS, such as college courses in CS, experience teaching CS, or extended self-study of CS. Participants would expect to spend around ~10 hours per week throughout the length of the course. Cost: $1750 - scholarship opportunities available (see below). Register here.
June 8 - July 18, 2020 - Online for those New to Java. This session includes an additional 20 hours of Java practice for teachers new to Java and optional for those who are experienced. Participants would expect to spend around ~10 hours per week throughout the length of the course. Cost: $2400 - scholarship opportunities available (see below) Register here.
More information about these opportunities at https://www.csawesome.org/professional-development
CSAwesome is part of a Google funded research project for the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 academic years. We are studying new to CSA teachers and students and their transition from CSP to CSA. If you are adopting the CSAwesome curriculum and are transitioning from AP CSP to AP CSA, you may be eligible for a scholarship to attend our PD for FREE, in exchange for participating in our research project. More information here: https://sites.google.com/view/csawesome/research-project
If you think you qualify for the scholarship, please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/tekJE6U5HuxjmYgP9
If you don't think you qualify but are still interested in participating in this week-long session, please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/qJJWw3izyhKms91p7