Celebrate CSEdWeek with the Arizona Department of Education with several professional development opportunities! Click here to view a flyer with information!
How to Host an Hour of Code - Join the movement and introduce your students to computer science with the Hour of Code! In this webinar, participants will learn how to organize an Hour of Code event for their classroom, school, or district by exploring available resources and experiencing lessons for themselves! No Coding Experience Necessary!
- Tuesday November 29th
- 4:30pm-5:30pm
- Register Here
Byte-Sized PD - Celebrate Computer Science Education Week with a series of 30 minute “Byte-Sized PD”!
- Monday December 5th - Dan Schneider - Chapter President of CSTA-AZ
- Tuesday December 6th - Mr. Leon Tynes - High School Computer Science Teacher
- Wednesday December 7th - Ms. Allison Davis - Kindergarten Teacher
- Thursday December 8th - Learning from ADE’s CS Team about the Computer Science Endorsement
Questions? Contact Alecia Henderson - CS & EdTech Specialist - Alecia.Henderson@azed.gov