The American Computer Science League (ACSL) has sponsored computer science
contests since 1978. The contests are divided into divisions (Senior,
Intermediate, Junior, Classroom and Elementary) to appeal to a wide range of
student experience. The Senior, Intermediate and Junior Divisions include
computer science topics and coding. The Classroom and Elementary Divisions
do not require coding. ACSL is offering its 2018-19 contest question/solution set to CSTA teachers
who register for the first time.
contests since 1978. The contests are divided into divisions (Senior,
Intermediate, Junior, Classroom and Elementary) to appeal to a wide range of
student experience. The Senior, Intermediate and Junior Divisions include
computer science topics and coding. The Classroom and Elementary Divisions
do not require coding. ACSL is offering its 2018-19 contest question/solution set to CSTA teachers
who register for the first time.
The 4 monthly contests are given at each member school and provide
flexibility for the teacher to administer the contests on his/her schedule
in a classroom or club setting. Award ribbons and certificates are
presented to top scoring students and schools in each state based upon
cumulative scores after the 4th contest. The top teams in each of the
coding divisions are invited to the ACSL Invitational All-Star Contest which
this year (May 2020) will be held at the Academy of Aerospace and
Engineering HS, Windsor, CT.
ACSL is offering its 2018-19 contest question/solution set to CSTA teachers
who register for the first time.
Please see the ACSL web site at and write to with
any questions. has a listing of all our question
categories, a description of each, sample questions and links to YouTube
flexibility for the teacher to administer the contests on his/her schedule
in a classroom or club setting. Award ribbons and certificates are
presented to top scoring students and schools in each state based upon
cumulative scores after the 4th contest. The top teams in each of the
coding divisions are invited to the ACSL Invitational All-Star Contest which
this year (May 2020) will be held at the Academy of Aerospace and
Engineering HS, Windsor, CT.
ACSL is offering its 2018-19 contest question/solution set to CSTA teachers
who register for the first time.
Please see the ACSL web site at and write to with
any questions.
categories, a description of each, sample questions and links to YouTube