The 4 Corners Computer Science Convening for 2024 is gearing up to be another great event for sharing your knowledge, networking with others that are involved in CS education and building a wonderful, supportive community. Click here to learn more about the conference!

What is different for 2024?

  • We have added an extra day and have moved it to June.  June 23-26th, 2024 to be exact.

  • We hope to increase the number of attendees to 200, up from 150 last year.

  • We are getting an earlier start to registration and call for proposals. Do you have an idea for a proposal?? If so, please submit information via this form.

  • We are using the Whova app to allow for connections before and during the event, stay tuned for more details closer to the event.

What is staying the same?

  • Registration, food and on-campus housing is free, covered by the generous support of organizations like Google

  • The event will be at Fort Lewis College in Durango, CO

  • We will have amazing participants, like you, and fantastic workshops, presentations and keynote speakers.

Ready to register for 2024?

Here’s the link to register